Ouyang Lab

Ouyang curriculum vitae
Download PDF of CV here
Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (Princeton University)
Adviser: Michaela Hau
Title: What makes an individual successful? Individual variation in hormones, behavior, and fitness
M.A. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (Princeton University)
GPA: 4.0
B.S. in Biology (University of California, Irvine)
Thesis advisers: Nancy Burley and George L. Hunt, Jr.
(Honors in Major, GPA: 3.93, Magna Cum Laude)
B.A. in French (University of California, Irvine)
(Honors in Major, GPA: 3.93, Magna Cum Laude)
Coursework at Shoals Marine Laboratory (Cornell University)
Mandarin Chinese (fluent)
English (fluent)
French (fluent)
German (conversational)
Dutch (conversational)
Adobe photoshop & illustrator
Database: Microsoft Access
Statistical programs: STATA, R, SPSS

Research positions
Associate Professor
National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow
Netherlands Institute of Ecology (Funding: NSF DBI-1306025)
Collaborators: Kamiel Spoelstra and Marcel Visser
Postdoctoral Associate, Virginia Tech (Funding: NSF IOS-1145625)
Collaborators: Frances Bonier, Mark Haussmann, and Ignacio Moore
Research Grants and Fellowships
2017-2019 $160,430 NSF OIA-1738594 Mechanisms underlying transgenerational inheritance
of the stress phenotype
2017-2019 $420,000 NIH P20 GM103650 Neurosensory function in response to light pollution
2014 €150,000 Hungarian Scientific Research Fund OTKA
2013 $151,416 National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship in Biology
2007-2012 $90,000 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
2011 $1,200 Frank M. Chapman Memorial Grant
2011 $1,000 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Grant-in-Aid of Research
2009 $2,000 Princeton University Summer Research Grant
2008 $1,000 Sigma Xi Grant-in-Aid of Research
2007 $68,000 Princeton First Year Graduate Fellowship
2003-2007 $36,000 Universities of California, Regent’s Scholar
2006 $14,000 Barry M. Goldwater Fellowship
2003-2007 $2,000 Robert C. Byrd Scholarship
2013 Broadening Participation Grant, Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology ($500)
2011 National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship travel grant ($1,000)
2011 Society for Experimental Biology Travel Grant ($244)
2011 Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Travel Award ($500)
2008 International Society for Behavioral Ecology Travel Award ($500)
2007 Joseph H. Stephens Grant for Excellence in Research ($700)
2006 University of California summer research grant for undergraduates ($1,500)
2005 Universities of California Leadership Excellence through Advanced Degrees ($5,000)
Research grants and awards
List here
Invited Seminars:
2014 Australia National University, Canberra, Australia
2013 Bucknell University, Lewisburg, VA, USA
2013 Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA
2012 Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands
2011 Netherlands Institute of Ecology, Wageningen, the Netherlands
Selected Meeting Presentations:
Ouyang, J.Q., Light pollution affects behavior and physiology. International Society of Behavioral Ecology. Exeter, UK.
Ouyang, J.Q., Endocrine variation as a mediator of life-history evolution: the relationship between hormones and fitness in a fluctuating environment. Invited Symposium Speaker. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, Portland, OR, USA.
Ouyang, J.Q., Hormonal regulation of divorce. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, Palm Beach, FL, USA
Ouyang, J.Q., de Jong, M., Scheltinga, S., Visser, M.E., & Spoelstra, K. Movement and activity of free living Great Tits, Parus major, under different spectra of artificial light. International Conference on Artificial Light at Night, Leicister, UK.
Ouyang, J.Q., Lendvai, A.Z., Dakin, R., Domalik, A.D., Fasanello, V.J., Vassallo, B.G., Haussmann, M.F., Moore, I.T., & Bonier, F. Weathering the storm: parental effort and stress hormones predict brood survival. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, TX, USA
Ouyang, J.Q., Individual differences in behavior, physiology, and fitness. International Conference on Individual Differences. Groningen, the Netherlands.
Ouyang, J.Q., Hau, M. Stressed males abandon reproduction. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. San Francisco, USA
Ouyang, J.Q., Sharp, P., Quetting, M., Hau, M. Hormones as mediators of life-history trade-offs. International Society of Avian Endocrinology. Gifu, Japan
Ouyang, J.Q., Muturi, M., Quetting, M., Hau, M. 2011. Effects of corticosterone on reproductive decisions and parental behavior. Society of Experimental Biology. Glasgow, UK
Ouyang, J. Q., Sharp, P. J., Dawson, A., Quetting, M., Hau, M., Hormone levels predict individual differences in reproductive success. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. Salt Lake City, USA
Ouyang, J.Q., Burley, N.T., Sex recognition of young by adult zebra fiches. Animal Behavior Society. Burlington, USA
Ouyang, J.Q., Hunt, G.L. Diets of adult and chick western gulls on Santa Barbara Island. Southern California Research Conference. Riverside, US
Courses taught:
Instructor, fall 2016, University of Nevada, Reno (BIO 316, Comparative Animal Physiology)
Assistant Instructor, 2010, Princeton University (EEB 327, Evolution of the Immune System)
Assistant Instructor, 2008, Princeton University (EEB 211 Introductory Biology Lab)
As an assistant instructor at Princeton, I gave lectures and oversaw student projects. I designed and coordinated the discussion sessions and guided final student papers, including instruction on statistical analysis.
Teaching Assistant, 2005, UC Irvine (E106 Evolutionary Processes)
As a teaching assistant at UC Irvine, I led discussion sessions and tutored students.
Invited guest lectures:
Fall 2013 Virginia Tech (Animal Physiology) – eight weeks
Spring 2012 Princeton University (Comparative Physiology) – two lectures
Completed “Teaching Transcript” Pedagogy Program, McGraw Center, Princeton University (2007-2012) Attended teaching orientation & pedagogy programs, served as teaching assistant & received feedback, developed teaching statement & course syllabus
Teaching awards:
2008 Teaching Service Award (K-12 education), Princeton University
2007 Language Teaching Award, UC Irvine
Outreach teaching:
As part of Princeton’s Community House Program, I gave guest lectures to high school students on animal behavior and physiology.
2016-present Nicole Haddad. Comparing noise-induced stress in rural and urban songbirds. Undergraduate Honor’s Thesis, University of Nevada, Reno
2015-present Annemieke Kolvoort. Insect abundance under artificial light at night. Master’s thesis, Utrecht University
2014-present Sofia Scheltinga. Spatial movement of great tits under artificial light
Master’s thesis, Utrecht University
2013-2014 Alice Domalik. Individual differences in the neophobic response and corticosterone.
Undergraduate honors thesis, Queen's University
2011-2012 Marion Muturi. Behavioral correlates of hormone manipulation
Undergraduate thesis, University of Konstanz
2006-2007 Clairose Retino. Begging calls and sex allocation.
Undergraduate thesis, University of California, Irvine
Professional services & memberships
Education and mentorship:
2011-present Video Tutor (development of biology teaching videos for high school biology and providing these videos to schools with no access to biology text books), Biology Team
2008-present Content editor and web design: Animal Behavior Society, Education Committee
Content contributor and editor: Animal Behavior Society social media pages
2008-2012 Graduate Student Mentorship Program, founder and board member, Princeton University
2009-2011 Community House graduate adviser, Princeton University
2007-2009 Graduate Student Representative for Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University
Review activities:
Journals: Animal Biology, Behavioral Ecology, Behavioral Processes, Biology Letters, Conservation Physiology, Current Zoology, Emu, Evolution, General and Comparative Endocrinology, Hormones and Behavior, Functional Ecology, Journal of Avian Biology, Journal of Applied Ecology, Journal of Experimental Biology, Nature Scientific Reports, Oecologia, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Rangeland Ecology & Management
Grant agencies: National Science Centre, Poland; National Science Foundation, USA
Animal Behavior Society (2006-present)
Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology (2010-present)
Society of Experimental Biology (2010-2012)
Sigma Xi (2008-2011)
Mathematical modeling of life-history decisions
Matthew Aardema (Princeton University, USA)
Allison Shaw (University of Minnesota, USA)
Neophobia and life-history evolution
Suzanne Austin (University of Missouri at St. Louis, USA)
Sergio Cordoba (University of Bogotá, Colombia)
The role of glucocorticoids in mediating life history tradeoffs (NSF IOS-1145625)
Frances Bonier (Queen’s University, Canada)
Roslyn Dakin (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Mark Haussmann (Bucknell University, USA)
Ádám Lendvai (Virginia Tech, USA)
Ignacio Moore (Virginia Tech, USA)
Parental care and differential allocation
Nancy Burley (University of California, USA)
Individual variation in hormones, behavior, and fitness
Michaela Hau (Max Planck Institute of Ornithology, Germany)
Peter Sharp (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Insulin regulation and life-history evolution
Zoltán Barta (University of Debrecen, Hungary)
Tökölyi Jácint (University of Debrecen, Hungary)
Ádám Lendvai (University of Debrecen, Hungary)
The effect of artificial light on ecology and stress physiology
Kamiel Spoelstra (Netherlands Institute of Ecology, Netherlands)
Marcel Visser (Netherlands Institute of Ecology, Netherlands)
Safer cities: stress physiology and reproduction
Yue Hua Sun (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Shu Ping Zhang (Mingzu University, China)